When we look at ourselves in the mirror, sometimes we do not notice the importance of our eyebrows, as the vital constituents of our beauty human faces. And we appreciate the value of well-groomed eyebrows, only in case we’ve already over-plucked them, accidentally shaved off some parts of them, or just lost it due to certain conditions.

The cost for the complete FUT procedure is $2000

What are the common causes of eyebrow hair loss?

There are a number of factors that can result an eyebrow thinning or alopecia. It can either due to an over-plucking led by a desire to carry out a self-care for eyebrows or it may be the result of certain accidents, for instance, physical or chemical trauma to the face.

A disease condition that can cause hair shedding is also a potential reason. But in some cases, the mere fact that a person is aging can lead to strewn eyebrows.

Who needs an eyebrow hair transplant procedure?

Anyone who is suffering from thinned eyebrows or eyebrow hair alopecia, is considered to be a good candidate for the procedure. Also, it is a must that the patients are generally healthy, i.e. they do not have any bleeding or clotting problems.

Is it a permanent solution?

Yes, eyebrow hair transplant operation is a permanent solution to the issue. You will enjoy a long term growth of your eyebrow hair, and just like the already existing eyebrow hair, they will normally spread and regenerate eventually.

How is it done and where is the donor hair taken from?

During eyebrow hair transplantation procedure 250-400 individual hairs are required for an eyebrow: it is the adequate number necessary to obtain a healthy looking, natural brow. Based on the desire of the patient concerning the size and density of a future brow, the number of individual hairs subject to replacement may vary. In general, FUE method is used.

Donor hair follicles are usually taken either from the other eyebrow that has areas full of hair, or from the area behind the ears or on the upper thighs (this case is common for women). Then via small (a few millimeters in diameter) needles are placed in the recipient area. This is a delicate process requiring certain carefulness and higher professional skills.

Before the operation, a local anesthetic is implemented in order that the patient does not feel discomfort. The patient has no need to stay in the clinic after the transplantation is successfully carried out, and may return home for a few-days-long recovery.

How many grafts are used for an eyebrow hair transplant procedure?

The entire process often requires 100-400 (or more) hair grafts. The number may vary for every individual (patient) and is also based on the pre-operation evaluation of the surgeon.

What is the exact location for procedure implementation?

The good thing about an eyebrow hair transplant procedure is that it is performed on an outpatient basis.

How long does the entire procedure take?

The duration of the procedure depends on the scale of work, and is individual with every patient. Usually an eyebrow hair transplant procedure can last 5-6 hours.

How long is the recovery period for transplanted eyebrow hair?

Since the procedure is carried out via modern quality instruments and minimally painful techniques, you can already go back to normal activities within 48 hours, granted that without participating in any strenuous activities or contact sports.

Is there a risk of side effects?

Eyebrow hair transplant implies minimal risks. Untoward results often imply growth of hair with a wrong direction. In such cases this can be remedied by training the hair to inherit the direction of neighbor hair.

How long will it take until I get to see the final results?

The growth of transplanted eyebrows will become noticeable in 4-6 months after the operation. But you may expect the transplanted eyebrow hair to spread at around 3-5 post-surgery weeks. This is a natural process. The final results can be expected on the 10th month. The complete growth and coverage processes are fully observable.

If you have more questions about eyebrow hair transplantation, please contact our medical team for a free consultation